Thursday, June 11, 2009

...finding inspiration

in an uninspiring world...

I've found that in today's busy modern world it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find inspiration. Lately I've saw more boarded up windows and empty flower gardens than ever before. I think the economic depression has gotten everyone into a slump, I'm certainly feeling it. I've come to the realization that I must create my own inspiration.

I've been working at making my space more inspiring, one of the things I really love, is to leave post it notes for myself with affirmations of ideas I need to focus on. I bring them to work too and stick them around my desk. A simple reminder to breath deeply, relax, or that I'm in tune with nature makes a big difference in my life for me. Recently I moved my desktop computer from my writing desk to the closet, (I've got a laptop anyways) and started to fill my desk with things that inspire me. A water fountain found at a garage sale for $4 to bring peace and tranquility, a unique crystal vase to hold my watercolor paint brushes, pens, and pencils, some paper to sketch and paint on, and of course some candles as I like to write in the dim romantic light. The space is still lacking a little but I feel the improvement of energy in my space already, I will post a picture when I have it all finished.

This year I haven't gotten out there and taken any photographs. I just haven't been inspired. I need to, I really need to because I enjoy it and I like to share the beauty that I find. I think through the camera lens I find a whole other world, something magickal and spectacular. Here is one of my shots from last summer:

I've gotten back into my routine of Yoga and Meditation. It was a rough start back, but I feel my flexibility returning. I've been increasing my fiber, and limiting my meats and feeling more healthy about my intake, I've also been teetering on the point of vegetarian. Awakening the body and mind is a slow and gradual process, at least for me anyways.

So now I must get ready and go to the evil place where they keep my paycheck, but I will leave you with this question... How do YOU create inspiration in your world?

Blessed Journey,
This Guy ~ Bret


Jane said...

I know where you are with this post. I think one of the biggest curses of being creative is the fact that there are so many uninspiring periods. Since I've been unemployed, I've decided that I need to keep my hands in something every day. Some days that means picking up magazines and art books to look for a little inspiration. Other days it means actually creating something. For Christmas, Breen got me a triple pack of Taro Gomi's big gagantic coloring books. What fun! The basic drawings are there for you. It's your job to get as silly as you want with the blank areas.

Jen said...

I find reading blogs like yours help to inspire me. Honesty, authenticity and sunshine help too. Glad that you are getting your ducks in a row. Can't wait to see a photo of your desk.

Tori said...

I'm realizing that being uninspired in one aspect of life seems to increase inspiration in another. It would be too tiring to be inspired to do everything I love all the time- so I think this is a good thing.

I'm glad your home is becoming more inspiring for you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, your blog is inspiring Bret.So is the way that you come to terms with things. I really like the photo of the rose. Lately my inspiration has been spiritual/magical illustration and connections, and going back to the "old crafts" such as rhunes. Artistically I have decided to do more research and paint/draw only a section of an artwork I like ie. a corner of a costume pattern,pick out a certain piece in a complicated design, medieval paintings are wonderful for this.Generally I find the blogging community incredibly inspiring. Thank you for your part in

Anonymous said...

Love the post-it note thing. And my kitchen blackboard still has your inspirational affirmation on it for me to see every time I walk by it.

Your place is so serene, so soothing and I just love how you are using that gorgeous table as a creative space.

Yes, yoga practice & getting off meat, etc. takes time, but as you eat healthier and take care of your body, it will reward you by simply being "turned off" processed foods.

*I'm loving my new glass cooking utensil caddy....don't miss the giant plastic Tim Horton's white-trash thing at all - lol!

You inspire me!

laoi gaul~williams said...

ohhh i know how you feel.
having moved her last year we are still decorating and have flooring still to put down and so its just not right at the moment~i keep on doing small things that take me one step closer to how i want it to be~to be inspiring, like buying another house plant, putting up another picture...i will get there!

Margaret Hall said...

Ohhh, so glad to find such a GREAT blog, and I shall be returning to always feel the soothing vibes here. Today's hectic world brings us to inspiration for our surroundings! I strive to maintain a way to put forth good vibes...with all.
Until later..

marjean said...

Hi Bret,
I just stumbled on your blog and am enjoying it very much, so much I've decided to follow it so I can return when I have more time and catch up on your older post.

CrystalChick said...

I love the picture! I take lots of them, but not so much of the simply beauty of nature. More like people and trips and things and business items, etc. Must get more nature shots! :)

I don't know where to begin with a list for what inspires me....
I try to think of family and friends when I'm doing creative things but sometimes inspiration comes a blog, a book, a scene from a movie, a quote, etc.

I know whenever I watch a few minutes of 'Clean House' and they are showing the messiest homes in the country, that inspires me to clean something!!! LOL

Suzie Ridler said...

Inspiration? Lately it's just about spending time in the kitchen. That's more of a coping mechanism though but I hope to inspire others.

Thank you for letting me know I am not alone during this weird astrological haze. It's been absolutely bizarre and uncomfortable. I'm sorry you're in the same situation. I'm considering doing a big cleanse of my home, maybe that will help you too?

I guess I am authentically miserable, LOL.

mel said...

Hmmmm.....finding inspiration...

These days its about carving out my own *space*. I don't have the luxury of a 'room of my own' so am claiming a corner of the bedroom. ;) A place for my own *stuff* - my art supplies, my scribblings and creations, art from friends, art from my kids, picture of the kids....I find that surrounding myself with these treasures helps me ground myself and gives me much-needed peace so that I can receive the's all about claiming some peace here in this Shiny, mad house...:)

Oh, and living vicariously through some really cool people's blogs such as yours....:) You are a breath of fresh air, yourself...

~brightest blessings~

Eco Yogini said...

So timely. I was just thinking the other day that being inspired was difficult!
I have always been more creative with my songwriting when I was unhappy... and now that I'm happier I have been writing less songs! sigh. I need to find inspiration elsewhere and it has been difficult.
Congrats on getting back into the yoga/meditation and thank you for the kind comment on my blog :)


Elizabeth Rhiannon said...

Hello Bret, Funny to write that, the only other I've known is my husband, Brett (two T's)! I just wanted to leave a quick note and say how much I enjoyed stumbling upon and getting lost in your blog. The kind that I lose track of time in, I had to add you to my 'Blogs I Follow' list. I found myself very much in tune to several of your posts. Thanks for being real and honest, I'll be back soon, take care and Blessings to You ~ER~

Tresa said...

I create inspiration by always following my dreams because they will come true

Tresa said...

There is beauty in every thing bret .... not everyone sees it ....take some pictures .... be inspired by it all ..... you are amazing :)

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