I've kicked my feet up on my coffee table after a long day of puttering around and cleaning my apartment. This morning I filled my bucket with hot water and soap, and got on my hands and knees to wash the kitchen, bathroom and living room floors. I don't own a mop, thanks to my Grandmother, I could hear her voice in my head; "What, well what the hell is that? A Mop? Well what the hell do you use it for? Washing the floors? Haven't ya ever heard of a dish rag and a bucket of hot water and soap? Let me see it, give it here... My goodness, this God Damn thing wouldn't clean shit of a horses ass. God dammit." Yup, that's my Grandmother - so needless to say I'm actually terrified to get a mop, the woman would roll over in her grave, or haunt me or something. Did I ever tell you about the time my Grandmother (in her younger years of living on a farm) tried to mount a horse? She led the horse to a fence, climbed the fence, jumped on the horse, and as she struggled with her dress (women weren't allowed to wear pants in those days) she fell over and landed in a big pile of horse and cow manure. She wore pants after that.
Its been nearly two months now and I will be honest and admit I am not fully moved in yet. There are still minor touches yet to be done; lights over top of my artwork, window sills dusted, and I haven't gotten around to sewing up my window coverings and shower curtain. Some days I wonder if the finishing touches will ever be complete, but I know its only a matter of time...
I've almost finished decorating my living room. I am happy sitting here watching a movie, reading or blogging. I'm still looking for a fern or two to hang in front of the windows, a new ceiling light and a lamp for the back corner of the room by my desk. No one would ever know 4 months ago this room was covered in a thick oily, smoky residue from my apartment fire. (Check out the before pictures HERE)
Here is a quick picture of my living room that I took this afternoon:
I am very happy with the way things turned out. I actually like my apartment better than before the fire. My kitchen is totally brand new. My oven is full sized now and I have no problem fitting in a few dozen cookies at a time ;)
Earlier this afternoon I realized it was time to clean out my fridge. I had odd vegetables here and there, some never used, some left over from previous meals or my morning juicing - so I decided to make a big pot of soup! I love soup especially "kitchen sink" soup where all my ready to spoil veggies go.
The recipe is easy. I started with a few tablespoons of butter in my soup pot, along with some bacon and onions chopped up. Once those were cooked, and starting to brown I added 1/4 cup of flour and mixed it really well and let the flour cook for a few minuets. I jacked up the heat and whisked in 8 cups of chicken broth (the best tasting brand I've found comes from the Dollar Store believe it or not!) Once that heated I added the rest of my milk, about 3 cups (it was about to spoil - I rarely drink cows milk and usually have just a little here for when friends stop by for tea - I'm a big fan of rice milk). Once all that was nice and hot I added cubed potatoes, sliced carrots, celery, tomato, and broccoli. No specific amounts, just what I had in the fridge. You really can't mess this recipe up.
The soup has been simmering on the stove for a few hours now, and its ready to eat anytime. The nice thing about soup is that it keeps in the fridge well, and freezes even better! I save my old yogurt containers and fill them with soup, label them, and freeze them.
I have a couple of friends coming to visit tonight so I better jet and get prepared!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Embrace your Journey.
Oh wow Bret, it's gorgeous!!!
I love your teapot collection on top of your kitchen counters.
The whole apartment looks like it has such a great energy to it.
It's reflected in your words.
SO happy for you!
kitchen cupboards! that would be KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, not counters..duh.
I really really like all that window space that you have there!!!! I don't know if its tacky but I'd probably have my little white lights up all over them already.
The soup looks so warm and inviting (sans meat for me)!
I'm so jealous of your windows! What a great space you have!
Oh how I love coming here and putting up my feet with you, gazing into that candle. Your place is gorgeous! I am particularly envious of all of those windows. Funny how life can turn around and now you are truly in your home.
Excellent soup idea! I've never used a roux for soup before but that makes a lot of sense. Yummy!
I'm glad you're home now Bret. It's wonderful to see.
So glad your home and mostly settled....you SOUND like you feel at home now. Your apartment looks wonderful!! Can't wait to come over for a stitch and bitch...we should have a specific night for it. :D
WOW! You know what? I was DYING to see a pic of your f***ing apartment. Now I can die fulfilled, as well as capable of spelling. Do you have a pic of your toilet brush too? You seem to decorate according to principles of Dung Shui.
My dear Anonymous:
Thank you for your wonderful comments. I am happy I could bring peace to your soul if by chance the unthinkable dare to happen!
I'm just moving in, so I don't have a toilet brush just yet - I really tend not to have diahrea often however - EVEN after reading your verbal diahrea in form of the above comment.... Hard to imagine isn't it?
As for your comment, this is a hate free blog, so my dear Monica/Kate you will have to take your hate somewhere else.
I figured you two, of all people would like to see someone living on their own, wouldn't you like to live vicariously through me?
Anyways. If any of my bloggie friends want to see who Anonymous is, you can check out her blog at @ http://whatandever.blogspot.com/
Please do not leave her hate mail tho, I do not wish this to turn into a mud slinging session - I have far too much class for that.
Have a wonderful evening - and everyone remember to check their spelling - the police are out!!
About Kate ... don't even give her any energy regarding that childish and disgusting comment.
She is SO unhappy ... I predict she is going to become more and more mean-spirited. What a sad, pathetic girl. Do you know she is purposely trying to convince her parents, (even resorting to lies), not to let me have use of a van they're not using? A vehicle I can really use as a single mother without the money to afford my own. What is CHRISTIAN about that?
You've handled this very well. Don't allow her mental problems to poison your hate-free blog. This blog is well read and respected within the blogging community. It is a source of inspiration, humour and honesty to many people.
She is so full of hate because she's not where she wants to be in life, and hasn't realized yet that she is the only one who can change that. There's an obvious tone of jealousy here regarding your beautiful apartment. "Dung-Shui"?- omg, my 12 year old daughter is more mature and witty than that.
She has the illusion that she's the only person who has ever gone to school or worked or paid off a student loan. (She calls this hard times and "sacrificing"). I believe the Catholics call it a "martyr syndrome."
Ummm, yeah, ....I could tell her a thing or two about hard times and sacrificing!, how about you?
P.S. please check my spelling.
this guy - some people just can't feel good about themselves unless they are putting others down. It's a shame when children act like this in a schoolyard, but grown women speaking like that to you?
Like boho-mom said, it's a sad thing when a person is so desperate and unhappy with their own life that they have to strike out at the happiness of others.
Stay positive!
Whoopsie! that was my mistake - sorry!
That's it! I have to start a blog!
If for no other reason than to tell you how classy you are!
You are wise not to sling the mud back at these sick bloggers. Lord knows they have enough problems just looking in the mirror.
Keep blogging...I visit almost every day!
luv you, Debs
You are awesome Guy! Don't let Kate's venom poison your blog. Like Boho Mom said, she is SO very unhappy. It seems that she is no able to look at anything outside the periphery of her "tunnel vision". Your apartment looks FABULOUS and you should be very proud. I'm glad you are happy now and back at home, feeling at home. Your only in your twenties and you've accomplished so much more than some people 10 years older than you. Hold your head up high and don't let the trolls bother you. There is a reason they live under the perverbial rock.
huh what a totally nasty piece of baggage that commenter is!
Well done bret for being the civil one here~it is funny how something so small as words can reveal a persons soul :)
your place looks great, yes it does! and is making me wish i was at that stage here!
Maybe I am just naive, but I just can't see leaving someone harassing or taunting messges on their blog as something useful to do with my time. Or something that I'd feel proud about later on.
Unless it was my ex husband of course. Ha ha....(ok, no I wouldn't do it still!)
It was not either of those girls you mentioned. It was me, a guy. I didn't think a joke about a toilet brush would turn everyone against each other in here. What do you people have going on that there is so much hate in this room? You do like throwing the names of others around rather freely too it seems. I thought it was taboo to fingerpoint and name names. Okey dokey, I will take my jokes elsewhere.
Anonymous....ok so you are a guy....the boyfriend of Kate. Doesn't take rocket science, you know?
It was no joke and you know it.
It was an ignorant, disgusting and intentional insult.
We bloggers know a "joke" when we read one. We use humour in affectionate terms with one another.
Too late D.
I guess you didn't know that ISP addresses can be traced and this guy works with computers.
haha- the "joke" is on you!
You people really need to "get lives" and find something better to do in the late hours of a Saturday night.
Ack! Thank you everyone (else) for your kind words and support. I don't know why some people are so childish! I just can't understand it. I hope this is the end of it - I will no delete the comments because I don't censor...
Anywho, hope you all are having a GREAT weekend! :)
Bret xoxo
Hi Guy,
This was sent to Monica's blog, you know, Monica of Joansrant@yahoo.com. They had better hope that Joan doesn't somehow find out that they are using her name for their malicious and ill mannered behaviour. Joan hasn't ever said a word to or about them, because she has a very busy and fulfilling life. She has a career as a professional musician and has 10 children. A joy which "Patti and Selma" will never know. Here is the post.
"Wow, I would have thought that someone who thinks as highly of themselves as you, would think they were above insulting someone for their sexuality. This is after all a free world. As far as knocking someones ancestors, I know for a fact that the commentors ancestors didn't come from a continent populated by criminals sent from Ireland who were deemed too inhuman to live among society. You sit there on your soap box and try to impose your values upon other people. If you were a dictator such as Stalin or Mussolini this might work for you. However, since you are not the head of a totalitarian regime, much to your chagrin I'm sure, you can't possibly believe that normal, sane people would give any credence whatsoever to your "rants". So rave on like a lunatic if you will. I dare you to post this.
P.S. Be gone from here before someone drops a house on you too."
LOL @ Tenorman!
I LOVE IT!! hahaha
Drama, drama, drama...that said, karma, karma, karma. You get what you give out, you reap what you sow. They'll get theirs Guy, one way or the other...and in some ways, they already have.
You home looks cozy, warm, a real home! That's great after all the mess that moving brings. I hope you do enjoy all the time you spend in there. Hmm.. This soup looks delicious! I love vegetable soup, I could eat your entire pan, LOL If you want to try some great cookies, see the recipe Suzie shared at her new blog (about homes!). I posted about it, it's absurdly delicious.
Hope you had a nice weekend.
Kisses from Nydia.
Arght, I was so happy with your pos that only after commenting I read these awful "anonymous"'s words. Man... This could become an endless stuff. Let her/him be. Disgusting. Loved Boho for her own words here!!
Just breath, Bret, some people are not worthy being noticed.
Kisses from Nydia.
I could hug you! Thank you sooooooo very much for your comment on the mixer, that's what I thought was going on! Too bad it isn't on sale anymore but I know a place that usually has it for a good price. I had no idea you could buy and use a bigger bowl?! Genius!
Hi there!
I just wanted to tell you that I'm a newbie reader and I think both your home and blog are beautimous!I found you through Boho Mama and I really enjoy visiting. :)
Thank you for sharing your journey!
Looks like you have made an apartment with some past sadness a beautiful new home!! Awesome.
First, you're an immaculate housekeeper. And you channel Granny very well. ;) Probably something my Aunt would have said too. The old-fashioned stuff is just sometimes the best.
Second, OMG can I come over and wrap myself in that little warm blanket and gaze out of those windows while you serve up some soup and a glass of wine??!! Seems like you have the perfect combination of things to make your guests feel completely welcome.
Have a great day!
I really loved this post as I do all of them. I can relate to the feeling of not being quite settled in the new space. It's been 2 months for me and I find myself, as much as I love the place, not finished with so many projects. It's a slow process though.
I love the windows in your living room. I just used up some old broccoi last night by steaming it, putting it in a baking dish and poring over it the following:
one can of cream of chicken soup (no milk added!)
one tablespoon curry powder
1/2 cup of mayo
I dusted that with breadcrumbs, poured 2 tablespoons of melted butter over it and popped it in the oven (350) for about 25 minutes. YUMMY!
I LOVE your apartment and I agree with you, I think your kitchen is gorgeous!
What a lovely apt!! love those windows, & the tea pots & such!
For awhile I had a shared house with a cook, & he liked to tuck the veggie trimmings, inc things like onion & garlic peels, carrot ends, etc, in the freezer to make broth! I sometimes start a pan of that while I'm doing a stir fry, & use a bit of olive oil to start the veggies, then add some broth . . . .
Yum, I'm making myself hungry!
I have been doing the soul coaching - without the book (so just from the blog :) . . . it is quite a process! But I'm really enjoying the folks I'm 'meeting' here - came over from Bohemian S. Mom's place . . . .
enjoy that light - sigh! & lack of clutter
I found your blog through Boho Mom's, and I love it! You seem like such a fun person, and your apartment is just beautiful. Very peaceful and light feeling- the soup looks delicious too. :) Thanks for sharing this with everyone! Vicki
I never read other people's comments as you can tell here, so glad Boho Mom mentioned this irrational commenting going on here so I can write you and tell you how awesome you are and that these attacks are downright evil. I support you 100% and hope the yahoos don't prevent you from posting. We miss you! And yes, we care what your f&*#(&@ apartment looks like. A LOT!
I have come to your blog through Boho's.
First, I have to say your new place is so beautiful. SO full of light. SO serene. So beautifully put together. What a lovely nest you have for yourself.
It's a shame your blog has been infested by maliciousness. Open the windows, let the crisp air in, enjoy your home and your real friends.
The "others" can try to bring you down, but they will not succeed. They have to live with themselves, and ultimately that is the biggest punishment.
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A proxy hides your id and allows you surf the net without having revealing your IP address. Proxies are now utilized by a lot of users, who desire to conceal their identity and escape from invaders. Anonymous browsing is now achievable with the use of proxies. Proxies for social networking websites are now discovered all over the world wide web because folks want to use social networking websites when they are at operate. Whilst the subject matter of making use of proxy to overrule entry manage is a questionable level, you can use these proxies as prolonged as your proxy server identifies and blocks proxies.
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